Selasa, 04 Mei 2010

SmartMoto dan SmartClip

SmartMoto a Motorola mobile phone software unlock. This software is compatible with SmartClip Unlocker tool specifically made for the Motorola phones.
Many things we can do with this software. One of them is functioning M702iG phone that can not be used in Indonesian operator's network.
Motorola's mobile phone output in theory this can only be used in Japan with its FOMA network.
But by using SmartMoto and we can memfungsikannya SmartClip simple manner.

How to unlock M702iG network with SmartClip:
1st. Connect the phone to the computer through phone order SmartClip-USB cable-SmartClip-LPT Cables-Computer.
2. Connect S-Card to a Computer.
3. Connect Power Supply to SmartClip.
4th. Turn on the phone.
5. Run the software "SmartMoto"
6. Choose "Smart-Clip USB port" in "phone connection window"
7. Press "search" Software will detect:
a. S-Card
b. SmartClip
c. The connected phone
8. Click the "prepare phone"
9. Select appropriate model from the list.
10. Give a check V mark on the option "unlock Automatically" and press "prepare a Test-Point Smart."
11. Preparation process running.
12. Windows appear to indicate the Smart Test Point cable. Perform the following steps:
a. Disconnect the phone, and also Casingnya.
b. Make sure the LCD too loose.
c. Smart Connect Testpoint to RJ-45 port of SmartClip.
d. Connect the data cable to the phone.
e. Connect the battery clamps to the battery connector.
f. Connect needle A to Testpoint A, and resistant to inform the software to be released.
g. Click OK in SmartMoto. The phone must be detected with boot version 0:00
13. Disconnect Testpoint when SmartMoto informs.
14. Unlock process is then completed.

Do not use the battery from the outside, simply use the existing battery clamps on Testpoint cable, and confirm the connection.

When you do not want to assemble, can also be ordered directly from Reseller SmartClip existing in Indonesian.

At Smart Testpoint Testpoint consists of two, and a battery clamp:
Yellow - Testpoint A (Primary)
Black - Testpoint B (Secondary)
Red - Battery Connector Brace

NB: If the process failed to use Testpoint Unlock A, do the following steps:
Use two Testpoint. Testpoint A to TP Testpoint connect A and B to TP B.

Senin, 03 Mei 2010

Personal Communication Assistant (PCA)

For you are busy, the presence of an assistant was to be especially helpful. You just give orders to his assistants to do the job that you can not handle.

The same function can be performed by the application was a Personal Communication Assistant (PCA). This application can make phones do some 'work' automatically without waiting for the 'orders' from you, because it had the previous setup. Some of the 'job' that can be done, among others, namely PCA to reply / forward incoming SMS, SMS to enter a specific folder, receive / forward / reject incoming calls and send SMS to the number you are calling can not accept.

And if your mobile phone left behind at home, while the PCA is not active yet installed, then you can activate the PCA from a distance. Simply by sending an SMS. In order for the PCA settings can not be altered by others, can be secured with a password. To reject an incoming call, must first enter these numbers into the Black List. All data can be handled by the PCA-in-Back Up and Restore using Nokia PC Suite.

Nokia 9300, 9300i, 9500, E90
Developer: InTouch
More Info / Download: http://info @

Personal Communication Assistant (PCA)

Bagi Anda yang sibuk, keberadaan seorang asisten memang dirasakan sangat membantu. Anda hanya memberikan perintah kepada asisten untuk mengerjakan pekerjaan yang tidak bisa Anda tangani.

Fungsi yang sama ternyata bisa dilakukan oleh aplikasi Personal Communication Assistant (PCA). Aplikasi ini bisa membuat ponsel melakukan beberapa 'pekerjaan' secara otomatis tanpa menunggu 'perintah' dari Anda, karena sudah diseting sebelumnya. Beberapa 'pekerjaan' yang bisa dilakukan PCA antara lain yaitu me-reply/ mem-forward SMS masuk, memasukkan SMS ke folder tertentu, menerima/ mem-forward/ menolak panggilan masuk dan mengirimkan SMS ke nomor yang panggilannya tidak bisa Anda terima.

Dan bila ponsel Anda tertinggal di rumah, sedangkan PCA yang terinstal belum aktif, maka Anda bisa mengaktifkan PCA dari jarak jauh. Cukup dengan mengirimkan SMS. Agar setingan PCA tidak bisa diubah-ubah oleh orang lain, bisa diamankan dengan Password. Untuk menolak panggilan masuk, terlebih dahulu harus memasukkan nomor-nomor tersebut ke dalam Black List. Semua data yang ditangani PCA bisa di-Back Up dan di-Restore menggunakan Nokia PC Suite.

Nokia 9300, 9300i, 9500, E90
Developer: InTouch
More Info/ Download:

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